Helping Executive Function |
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One of the most common questions or concerns regarding executive function is “but how can I help a child with an executive function challenge?” As with most things in early childhood education there is no magic wand. There is no one size fits all answer that will help any child that you interact with whether they have challenges or not.
The simple, yet complicated answer, is KNOW THE CHILD.
Children with executive function challenges are often the children that are well known for behavioral issues. They are sometimes labeled unfairly as troublesome or bad or any number of inappropriate and prejudicial adjectives. The fact is that these are the kids that are hard to build a relationship with because educators often get distracted by their behaviors and can’t look past them as they should. These children are often identified by their behaviors and carry a negative self-image as a result.
Educators with a true desire to help each and every child they work with will avoid these hazards and focus on building a relationship with the child in order to truly get to know them so that they can help them to do their best and be their best. For some educators this is a new concept and others are still struggling even though they think they’re building those relationships.